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DU/ER Jeans Review

A photographer's trusted friend.

The perfect pair of jeans is about as rare as a rich uncle. Thankfully there’s Duer denim. As someone who makes his living as a documentary photojournalist running and gunning with my cameras around the world to visually capture this human carnival, I need clothing I can trust. Bottom line: I need clothing that can go from downtown to downrange and back again so that I can get in, get the shot, and get out alive. Duer jeans meet that demand. They're made of something called COOLMAX denim that is impregnated with moisture-wicking fibers that pull sweat away from your body and push it outside like an unwelcome guest at your second wedding ceremony in Barbados.

The fabric is antimicrobial to keep the stench off so you don’t need to drag your jeans around your ankles just to get in a quick dry sesh after wearing them for 3 days straight. The high-stretch fabric and signature gusset that spans the inside of the crotch will have you embracing your inner Elvis, doing karate in public, and cutting a rug like Jagger. Onlookers will whisper and point, confirming your coolness.

Duer jeans are classy and timeless, just like your mom. They’re also triple-stitched and tough, so your cheap ass can hand them down to your grandchildren as a cherished family heirloom.

Whether you’re surfing the swell of humanity in the cramped markets of Marrakech, hunkered with your camera gear on the dusty LZ of a makeshift helipad in the soup sandwich, or slamming afternoon beers with your buds bragging about your latest photo shoot, these jeans will keep you confident, cool and looking fresh AF. If you don’t already own a pair, get your shit together and head over to to snag a few. All the cool kids are doing it! 

These jeans pair well with an old-school Leica, black coffee, and rock n' roll. 

Stay Bitchin! 


Git some! 


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